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THE SEARCH FOR THE SIGMA CODE Cecil Balmond 1998 Page 5 "One...two...three....My eye went over the figures. Suddenly I saw something. There were hidden patterns; the old man's story about secret numbers came back to me and I became curious. I started to look into these simple ideas and the more I searched the more fascinated I became. Something was indeed going on underneath the surface of arithmetic and what appeared as a unique calculation to the outside / Page 6 / world was something quite different when viewed from below. Looked at another way, six and six was not necessarily twelve but something much more exciting - the number 3, of a secret code..." Page 5 "...The thing to do is to follow the path until all the clues are in place and let your mind run free. It is only then that you find what the young master saw: the fixed points in the wind." "...it is in this spirit I dedicate the journey to you. Follow the clues, build up the jigsaw piece by piece and make your own investigations; become part of the search. Go back in time and let the free spirit in you enter. Talk to it, play ask the strangest questions.
THE HIGH GOD IN THE AGE OF COFFIN TEXTS Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt Translated by R.T. Rundle Clark, 1959 Page 80 I am Atum, the creator of the Eldest Gods, I am he who gave birth to Shu, I am that great He-She, I am he who did what seemed good to him, I took my space in the place of my will, Mine is the space of those who move along like those two serpentine circles. 'Coffin Texts,' I, 161: ff)
Hannah, can you hear me? Wherever you are, look up, Hannah. The clouds are lifting. The sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world, a kindlier world, where men will rise above their hate, their greed and brutality. Look up, Hannah. The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me, and to all of us. Look up, Hannah. Look up.
ENUMA ELISH - Babylonian Creation Myth - The continued story www.stenudd.com/myth/enumaelish/enumaelish- ENUMA ELISH "The word used for man is lullu" LULLU 33333 LULLU "The word used for man is lullu"
NUMBER 9 THE SEARCH FOR THE SIGMA CODE Cecil Balmond 1998 Preface to the New Edition Page 5
More images for 2015 TRIANGLE VENUS JUPITER MARS Oct. 24, 2015: Winter is approaching. The early, wakeful ... Every morning in late October, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars will rise in the east an hour or so before the sun. Together, they form a triangle in the pre-dawn sky. Venus and Jupiter are the ...
Venus, Jupiter, and Mars align for skyline display - BBC News www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34638603 Venus, Jupiter, and Mars can be seen from the Earth's skyline this week in a rare grouping of the three planets. ... 28 October 2015. From the ... The planets are best seen before sunrise and will form a particularly neat triangle on Thursday.
Venus, Jupiter, and Mars Form Tight-Knit Triangle Above ... www.accuweather.com/en/.../venus-jupiter-mars-triangle.../53230238 Venus, Jupiter, and Mars Form Tight-Knit Triangle Above Horizon in Rare Cosmic Spectacle ... October 30, 2015; 9:47 AM ET.
MERCURY VENUS MARS JUPITER SATURN January 2016 guide to the five visible planets | Astronomy ... earthsky.org/.../visible-planets-tonight-mars-jupiter-venus-saturn-mercur... 2 Jan 2016 - In their outward order from the sun, the five visible planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These planets are visible in our sky because their disks reflect sunlight, and these relatively nearby worlds tend to shine with a steadier light than the distant, twinkling stars. They're often bright!
Five planets align in spectacular celestial show - Telegraph www.telegraph.co.uk › News › Science › Space 2 days ago - Five planets are visible in the night sky for the next two weeks in a rare astronomical alignment which has not happened for more than a decade. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are appearing together for the first time since 2005.
Five planets align in dawn sky - BBC News Five planets will align across the dawn sky on Wednesday in a rare treat for skywatchers. ... Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter will be simultaneously visible to the ... 5 planets visible at once for 1st time in a decade - Technology & Science Five planets visible at once in pre-dawn sky, first time since 2004
Five brightest planets appear in straight line from horizon to ... www.theguardian.com › Science › Astronomy 2 days ago - For the next month, Earthlings will be treated to a spectacular sight, with all five planets visible to the naked eye lining up together, stretching ...
January 2016 guide to the five visible planets A great drama unfolds in the predawn sky throughout January, 2016. Beginning around January 20, all five bright planets will appear simultaneously before dawn. Mercury moves from evening to morning sky Beginning around January 20 – through mid-February – you can see five bright planets at once in the predawn sky. Mercury moves from evening to morning sky. Mercury is at the tail end of a fine evening apparition for the Northern Hemisphere. Because Mercury reaches perihelion – its nearest point to the sun – on January 8, that means the solar system’s innermost and swiftest planet is speeding up all the more. It’ll pass in between the Earth and sun on January 14, to transition over to the morning sky. This world will become visible in the eastern sky before sunrise, starting around January 20. Once Mercury enters into the morning sky, it’ll join up with the other four morning planets – Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn – to feature the first appearance of all five visible planets in the same sky since the year 2005. Look for all five visible planets to adorn the predawn/dawn sky from about January 20 to February 20, 2016! We expect people from both Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres to see Mercury with relative ease by around January 25. Mercury will be at its best in the morning sky for several weeks, centered around February 7, 2016. At this juncture, Mercury rises about 80 minutes before the sun at mid-northern latitudes. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Mercury rises a whopping two hours (120 minutes) before sunrise. As always, no matter where you live, binoculars help out with any Mercury quest. Although Mercury’s upcoming morning apparition will be a good one for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, it definitely favors the Southern Hemisphere. Mercury might be visible for the whole month of February, 2016 in the Southern Hemisphere. After a lengthy apparition in the morning sky, Mercury will finally swing back into the evening sky on March 23, 2016.
New planet may have been discovered, researchers say - CNN.com Nicknamed Planet Nine, it "has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 ... Profile Ninth planet discovered? 01:33 Planet Nine has an orbit that's "about 20 times farther from the sun" than Neptune (CNN)—You might have a replacement, Pluto. There could be another planet in our solar system.
Daily Mail Thursday, January 21, 2016 Page 5 Is a giant planet lurking on By Fiona MacRae Science Editor A GIANT planet could be lurking at the edge of our solar system, scientists have claimed. Their calculations suggest the mysterious world is about ten times the size of Earth and 55 billion miles from the sun. This makes it 20 times further away than Neptune. In fact Planet Nine, as it is called for now, is so far away that it would take 20,000 years to orbit the sun. If telescopes confirm the maths behind the spectacular claims, then it will qualify as the ninth planet in our solar system, leading to books being rewritten and diagrams of the solar system being redrawn. Astronomer Mike Brown, who has published compelling evidence for the existence of Planet Nine, told the journal Nature: 'My first reaction would be that it was crazy. But if you look at the evidence and the statistics, it's very hard to come away with any other conclusion.' Until now, Professor Brown, of the California Institute of Technology, has been best known for the research that led to Pluto being stripped of its status as a planet in 2006, leaving just eight planets in our solar system. The professor, who uses the nickname Pluto-Killer on Twitter, hopes that finding a replacement for Pluto will help appease his daughter. He told the Washington Post: 'My daughter is still kind of mad about Pluto being demoted, even although she was barely born at the time. She suggested a few years ago that she'd forgive me if I found a new planet. So I guess I've been Working on this for her.' Professor Brown and colleague Dr Konstantin Batygin's claims rest on their discovery of a peculiar cluster of six, small icy objects in the outer solar system. They say there is only a one in 15,000 chance that the clustering is a coincidence. Instead, they think the gravitational effects of a giant planet shepherded the six objects into elliptical orbits. Planet Nine's place on the edge of the solar system may have kept it hidden until now And it will make it hard for astronomers to spot it, something that is essential if its existence is to be confirmed. But Professor Brown and Dr Batygin have already started a search of the sky, using one of the world's largest optical telescopes. While they say it won't be up to them to name a new world, they have no doubt it will qualify as a planet. Professor Brown said: People who are 'mad that Pluto is no longer a planet will be thrilled to know there is a real planet out there still to be found. Now we can go and find this planet and make the solar system have nine planets once again.' Robin Scagell, vice president of the ' Society for Popular Astronomy, pointed out: 'We are talking about a very dim object that's right at the limit of the visibility of our telescopes and it's not surprising it hasn't been seen.' He went on to say that if Planet Nine is spotted, it will transform our understanding of the solar system.
Daily Mail, Monday, January 25, 2016 life Page 22 Why this newly found planet is STELLAR news for your love life: Discovery: An artists impression of Planet 9 Jonathon Cainer Lurking at a most remote extreme of our solar system is, if scientists are correct in their calculations, an extraordinary discovery that could utterly transform our understanding of the sky above our heads. The possible existence of this new giant planet — Planet 9 as it has been called — has gripped the world of astronomy. But it’s not just boffins in their observatories who are excited by this tantalising discovery. Planet 9 has dramatic repercussions for the world of astrology — and for anyone who follows their horoscopes. Astrologers believe this planet bodes well for an improvement in many love lives and heralds the advent of a more caring, trusting society. They also say it promises radically to alter our finances, and our whole relationship with money. To explain why we feel able to make such bold predictions, I should point out the huge symbolism in the way this new planet has been announced. The news comes from an impeccable source — astronomer Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology. Professor Brown, whose research led to Pluto being stripped of its status as a planet in 2006 and downgraded to ‘dwarf planet’, has based his findings on the discovery of a strange cluster of six, small, icy objects in the outer solar system. They move around on unexpected orbits that can only be explained by the unseen presence of a planet previously undetected. Yet there’s no tangible, physical proof. Not even a fuzzy snapshot or a little blip from the dish of a radio telescope. All Professor Brown and his colleagues have, to back up any of this claim, is a set of hard sums, the likes of which only a doctor of maths could properly understand. The vast majority of us, meanwhile, must take this entirely on trust. Unless there’s a radical advance in telescope technology, getting proof, say the scientists, will be like ‘searching for a needle in a haystack by looking down the end of a drinking straw’. All they’re sure of is that there must be a needle. How interesting then, that in the moment of its very first appearance, this mysterious new planet is inviting us all to take a leap of faith and believe what previously seemed entirely unbelievable. Astrologers, by the way, have long had such faith. We knew it would only be a matter of time before a new planet was discovered and have been cautiously expecting it to surface any decade now. The experts tell us we may need to wait five years before we get the full evidence of Planet 9’s existence. Five Years? Wasn’t that one of David Bowie’s seminal songs? Might there be some synergy here? Some internet mystics already seem to think so. Could this, indeed, be the very same ‘Blackstar’ that he prophesied with the title of the album released just before his death? If you think that sounds far-fetched, I dread to tell you what this planet apparently means to other conspiracy theorists. Many, for years, have been insisting the world is about to rediscover Nibiru, an enormous heavenly body on an eccentric 360,000-year orbit which was known to the ancient Babylonians. They have even claimed the reappearance of this mysterious ‘Planet X’ could cause the Earth’s magnetic poles to flip, wreaking untold chaos on the whole human race. I mention this only to insist — with all the authority anyone in my ethereal line of work ever dare muster — that whatever this new planet is, it isn’t this! Planet 9, I believe, is a herald of positive transformation, not a portent of doom. As for what Planet 9 may eventually be known as — that’s a job for the International Astronomical Union (IAU), who famously take their time coming up with any new name. Astrologers, by long tradition, accept that the astronomers who do the naming are being inadvertently guided by a force more magical than they realise. The new arrival may briefly pick up an interim popular nickname and there may be some clue, in that, about its eventual relationship with the zeitgeist. But patient, wise astrologers will wait for the IAU and take whatever name they choose — and its mythological associations — as a clue to the meaning of this new planet’s significance. Even right now, however, there are clues to what influence the new planet may have in the changing circumstances we see in the world around us. Remember, please, there’s yet no tangible proof that Planet 9 exists. You’ve either got to believe in it . . .or not! It is this very requirement to suspend our belief that makes me and many other astrologers feel the birth of a new universal belief system is imminent. That might not have quite such a lofty, spiritual implication as you may think. Money, as many students of economics have often observed, is a mysterious, intangible, abstract force that has power thanks only to the continued belief of billions! A religion, in a way, all of its own. Notice how news of Planet 9 arrived on a day when the priests of prosperity were panicking. World stock exchanges were in almost unprecedented turmoil. The commodities market was (and still is) being turned upside down. Traditionally safe bets are clearly safe no longer. Many, even in the most conventional corridors of power, are privately wondering if it is time for the whole human race to review its relationship with money. Futuristic philosophers, the world over, have long been saying how we need to outgrow a very narrow way of establishing value and replace this with a more sophisticated way to gauge worth. This planet, we astrologers feel, is telling us that the day to instigate such a change is nearer than we think — and that the current financial nadir is another reason for us to review our system. There may also be a message from the sky to us all about the enormous, global refugee crisis. Many believe this is not a situation that can be resolved by dropping bombs or deploying troops. People are dying in squalor and starvation, not just because of misplaced beliefs but because of international fears relating to borders, barriers and boundaries. Isn’t there an echo, in that, of how our personal love lives often get into trouble when we don’t feel able to trust one another? What if a situation is asking us to love, trust and ‘make space’ for someone? Yet to do this, we must first overcome our worry that, if we do, we’ll be overrun, taken advantage of, or even destroyed? In that respect, Planet 9 can surely be seen as a cosmic message about the need to take a leap of faith with one another. This might yet have a positive impact on our hearts, with happier love lives everywhere as a side effect! Some, of course, might argue that the refugee crisis was here before Planet 9 — as were all the ingredients of the current economic slowdown. This, they may say, proves there’s no connection between the sudden arrival of this new heavenly force and the changing face of life on Earth. The counter argument, however, is that Planet 9 has been having an influence on life on Earth all along. Those who question what difference the discovery of a planet makes when the planet is not, technically, new, may benefit from a brief history lesson. In 1783, two years after William Herschel discovered a ‘new’ planet through a home-made telescope in his back garden, experts were still debating what to call it when two French brothers built a hot-air balloon. Humans flew for the first time and Uranus, the Greek god of the sky, came into our lives, just as we needed a new planetary symbol to stand for an unprecedented miracle. In 1846, Neptune was discovered using a similar process of mathematical deduction to the one recently used to identify Planet 9. Neptune was the traditional god of oceans and water. In a world where mirrors were extremely expensive, pools, ponds and puddles were often the only way people could see reflections of themselves. At much the same moment as mathematicians in Britain and France were making the calculations that would reveal Neptune to us all, cheap mirrors were finally becoming possible (From Page 22) Page 23 due to a breakthrough in the silvering process, and the Daguerrotype, an early forerunner of modern photography, was also being developed. Thanks to Neptune, god of watery images, the human race, en masse, was able to see — and freeze — reflections! We have every reason to expect that, with a newly discovered planet, there should be new, world-changing technology. A new way for the human race to think about what’s possible and thus to drop old ideas about what’s impossible. This new planet certainly means we’re all about to see the world change in wonderful ways we never dreamed of. Planet 9, whatever it gets named, moves too slowly through the zodiac to be an indicator of anyone’s daily progress through life. We’re not yet sure of its orbit but it may well spend more than 2,000 years in some zodiac signs. That means both my mother and my youngest baby grandson will have been born with ‘Nine’ at precisely the same point in the zodiac. Newspaper astrologers, therefore, may have difficulty incorporating this into their daily readings because its position will hardly change. But personal forecasters, drawing up birth charts based on people’s exact date, time and place of birth, will have a field day. Each personal chart will feature Planet 9 in a slightly different part of the sky, with a host of potential, inspiring, symbolic meanings. As an auspicious omen, suggesting that a generation of billions of people all over the planet are now destined to enjoy a far brighter future, it is most potent. And most welcome!
Daily Mail Monday January 11, 2015 Jan Moir Life Last paragraph Page 28/29 THE BITTERNESS OF MRS BOWIE “Wowie, Bowie, Dear old Angie has been quiet for years, but her painfully discreet ex-husband can expect some big ch-ch-changes to his peace of mind henceforth”
Sherlock Holmes - Wikiquote https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Sherlock_Holmes How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
The Seven Secrets of How toThink Like a Rocket Scientist
Sherlock Holmes and Star Trek – A Beginners Guide www.sherlockology.com/.../sherlock-holmes-and-star-trek-beginners-gui... 17 Dec 2012 - "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." ... The line is also perhaps used more aptly than in the 2009 film, ... Perhaps much more explicitly, Star Trek: The Next Generation, the first sequel television series, went all out on the Conan Doyle on ...
STORM ON THE SUN HOW THE SUN AFFECTS LIFE ON EARTH Joseph Goodavage 1979 Page 5 THE STAR Chapter 1 "Eliminate the impossible. Whatever remains, however improbable must be true" Sherlock Holmes
TELEGRAPH WEEKEND CHESS David Norwood Saturday September 27, 2003 "Examines the evidence in the case of the chess playing sleuth" TO QUOTE SHERLOCK "WHEN YOU HAVE ELIMINATED THE IMPOSSIBLE WHAT REMAINS, HOWEVER IMPROBABLE, MUST BE THE TRUTH."
DAILY MAIL WEEKEND Saturday 15 July 2006 Your Week Ahead Jonathan Cainer Page 85 (number omitted) "TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21: 'When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.' Sir Arthur Conan Doyle gave these words to Sherlock Holmes. You don't, though, have to be a great detective in order to see their relevance in your life this week. Something seemingly far-fetched is taking place. The more you try to understand it, the more confused you become. Surely, something can't really be happening or someone has got hold of the wrong end of the stick. Really, though you had best believe the evidence of your own eyes. What's happening may be very strange but it is very positive."
Daily Mail, Friday, May 23, 2014 Page 51 COFFEE BREAK ODD STREAK (CARTOON STRIP) Sherlock Holmes did quite well as a part time GEOLOGIST... SEDIMENTARY MY DEAR WATSON. . . SEDIMENTARY."
Bryan Appleyard 1992 Page 152 "There was even something symbolically magical about the way Planck arrived at the number. He discovered it simply as a way of solving equations rather than via any route through the intuitively possible or the experimentally observable. This evokes the method of that fictional hero of the age of science, Sherlock Holmes, as he affirms it to the long-suffering Dr Watson in The Sign of Four in 1889. 'How often', he asks impatiently, 'have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, what- ever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'5 'How often', he asks impatiently, 'have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, what- ever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'
'if' by rudyard kipling If you can keep your head when all about you If you can dream - and not make dreams your master, If you can make one heap of all your winnings If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Kipling is said to have written the poem 'If' with Dr Leander Starr Jameson in mind, who led about five-hundred of his countrymen in a failed raid against the Boers, in southern Africa. The 'Jameson Raid' was later considered a major factor in starting the Boer War (1899-1902).
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
IN OUR TIME Last broadcast on Thu, 18 Dec 2003, 21:30 on BBC Radio 4 "Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the feat of astonishing intellectual engineering which provides us with millions of words in hundreds of languages. At the start of the twentieth century, in the depths of an ancient Egyptian turquoise mine on the Sinai peninsular, an archaeologist called Sir Flinders Petrie made an exciting discovery. Scratched onto rocks, pots and portable items, he found scribblings of a very unexpected but strangely familiar nature. He had expected to see the complex pictorial hieroglyphic script the Egyptian establishment had used for over 1000 years, but it seemed that at this very early period, 1700 BC, the mine workers and Semitic slaves had started using a new informal system of graffiti, one which was brilliantly simple, endlessly adaptable and perfectly portable: the Alphabet. This was probably the earliest example of an alphabetic script and it bears an uncanny resemblance to our own. Did the alphabet really spring into life almost fully formed? How did it manage to conquer three quarters of the globe? And despite its Cyrillic and Arabic variations and the myriad languages it has been used to write, why is there essentially only one alphabet anywhere in the world?"
THE USBORNE BOOK OF FACTS AND LISTS Lynn Bressler (no date) Page 82 10 most spoken languages The first alphabet Sounds strange The Rosetta Stone Did You KnowMany Chinese cannot understand each other. They have different ways of speaking (called dialects) in different Translating computers Worldwide language Page 83 Earliest writing Chinese writing has been found on pottery, and even on a tortoise shell, going back 6,000 years. Pictures made the basis for their writing, each picture showing an object or idea. Probably the earliest form of writing came from the Middle East, where Iraq and Iran are now. This region was then ruled by the Sumerians. The most words English has more words in it than any other language. There are about1 million in all, a third of which are technical terms. Most A scientific word describing a process in the human cell is 207,000 letters long. This makes this single word equal in length to a short novel or about 80 typed sheets of A4 paper. Many tongues International language The languages of India and Europe may originally come from just one source. Many words in different languages sound similar. For example, the word for King in Latin is Rex, in Indian, Raj, in Italian Re, in French Roi and in Spanish Rey. The original language has been named Indo-European. Basque, spoken in the French and Spanish Pyrenees, is an exception. It seems to have a different source which is still unknown. Number of alphabets
Daily Mail, Monday, December 21, 2015 Page 45 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS QUESTION If E is the most used letter of our alphabet, in what order of usage are the remaining 25 letters? CODEBREAKERS are especially interested in frequency analysis. The most basic encryption text is achieved by simply replacing one letter by another. So to decipher such an encryption, it's useful to get a frequency count of all the letters. The most frequent letter might represent the most common letter in English, E followed by T, A, 0 and I. The least frequent are Q, Z and X.
DAILY MAIL Monday, October 8, 2007 Harry Bingham Page 15 "YOU SAY POTATO, I SAY GHOUGHBTEIGHPTEAU !" "...Yes you CAN spell potato like that. It's one of the amazing quirks which make English the world's dominant language
"ABOUT three years ago I started researching a book, This Little Britain, about the various ways in which
we Brits have a history . BUT perhaps that's to measure things the wrong way. If you look at Nobel Prizes by language, then English wins by a country mile 26 laureates vs 13 for France). More to the point, the Nobel Prize Committee is just that: a committee. Wouldn't it be better to let the world's reading public determine which literature it favours? Alas, there are no reliable global sales figures available.
Daily Mail. Tuesday. March 31, 2015 Page 68 The point of pentangles ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS Compiled by Charles Legge QUESTION THE pentangle is usually represented as the pentagram, a five-pointed, linear star within a circle, worn or drawn with the point facing up. It served to mark directions in Sumerian texts, dating from about 30BC, and is found in most early cultures. The ancient Greeks established its symbolic status. Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras believed five was the number of perfection, because of the fivefold division of the body (head, arms and legs outstretched) mirroring the division of the soul into fire, water, air, earth and psyche. The Pythagoreans held the pentacle sacred to Hygeia, the goddess of healing. Early Christians wore the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Christ and to symbolise the five senses. In the 14th-century English poem Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, the symbol decorates the shield of the hero, Gawain. The anonymous poet credits the symbol's origin to King Solomon, and explains that each of the five interconnected points represents a virtue tied to a group of five: Gawain is keen in his five senses, dextrous in his five fingers, faithful to the salvation provided through the Five Wounds of Christ, takes courage from the five joys that Mary had of Jesus and exemplifies the five virtues of knighthood. Renaissance-era ritual magicians, Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (14861535) and Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), used the pentagram to represent the perfection of the human body. To Bruno, five was the `number of the soul' because the human form is bound by five outer points. He warned magicians and sorcerers could perform spells by using the pentagram as it was a window to the soul. As Bruno and other Renaissance philosophers and magicians were executed under the Inquisition, perhaps the symbol came to be associated with evil forces. By the mid-19th century, a further distinction had developed among occultists regarding the pentagram's orientation. With a single point upwards it depicted a spirit presiding over the four elements of matter and was essentially 'good'. PENTAGRAM = 5 = PENTAGRAM Occultists and satanists now claimed that the inverted pentagram was evil, the sign of the Devil even. Influential French occultist Eliphas Levi (1810-75) stated: 'A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. 'It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates.' Symbolic: Anton LaVey, of the Church of Satan, with an inverted pentangle (image omitted) Brian Cummings, Hay-on-Wye, Powys. SATAN SANTA SANTA SATAN DEVIL LIVED LIVED DEVIL LIVE EVIL EVIL LIVE
The five-pointed star, geometrically a regular concave decagon
FIVE POINTED STAR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A five-pointed star A five-pointed star (☆) is a common ideogram used throughout the world. If the colinear edges are joined together a pentagram is produced. The five-pointed star, geometrically a regular concave decagon, used in flags originates from European or Western heraldry, and the golden five-pointed star has associations with military power and war. It has also become a symbol of fame or "stardom" in Western culture.
Pentagram From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Geometry The pentagram can be constructed by connecting alternate vertices of a pentagon; see details of the construction. It can also be constructed as a stellation of a pentagon, by extending the edges of a pentagon until the lines intersect. Golden ratio[edit]
PENTAGRAM = 5 = PENTAGRAM what are the meanings behind a five point star? Can it be good ... 27 Sep 2007 - Best Answer: The five-pointed star, or pentagram is one of the most potent, powerful, and persistent symbols in human history. It has been ... The earliest pentagrams were rough diagrams found scratched into stone age caves. While they are believed to have some spiritual significance, the meaning of the star-shape to early humans is a mystery. In the civilizations that followed, it held various meanings, usually astronomical and religious. Pentagrams served to mark directions in Sumerian texts, and represented the five visible planets. Later, it was the sign of the planet Venus and the goddess . According to the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, five was the number of man, because of the fivefold division of the body, and the ancient Greek division of the soul. According to Pythagoras, the five points of the pentagram each represent one of the five elements that make up man: fire, water, air, earth, and psyche. (energy, fluid, breath, matter, and mind; liquid, gas, solid, plasma and aethyr) The Pythagoreans held the pentacle sacred to Hygeia, the Goddess of healing, whose name (HGIEiA) was an anagram in Greek for the elements water, earth, spirit, fire, and air. This particular symbolism has persisted for centuries, and has greatly influenced theologies of diverse traditions. Early Christians wore it as an emblem, possibly to represent the wounds of Christ, or possibly due to connections between early Christians and the Pythagorean mysteries.* Later, the pentacle was important to many doctrines of esoteric Medieval and Renaissance belief systems- alchemy, kabbalah, and Ceremonial magick. In the Jewish kabbalistic tradition, which borrows many Pythagorean ideas, the pentagram represents the five upper sephiroth on the Tree of Life- five numbers, being indivisible by any but themselves, which represent pure archetypal forces: justice, mercy, wisdom, understanding, and transcendent splendor. Christian Kabbalists of the renaissance were especially enamored of the pentagram, which they viewed as a mystical proof of the divinity of Christ - to them, it symbolized Christ as the Holy Spirit manifest in the flesh. (There is a secret biblical connection, as well, in the name of the Christian holiday of Pentecost- the day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles of Jesus is one of many geometrical 'proofs' in the New Testament disguised as stories). There are many connections between the pentagram and Christianity. Before the cross, it was a preferred emblem to adorn the jewelry and amulets of early Christians (followed by an 'x' or a phoenix). The pentagram was associated with the five wounds of Christ, and because it could be drawn in one continuous movement of the pen, the Alpha and the Omega as one. It was also an expression of a secret Gnostic heresy, found hidden here and there throughout Christian history- a symbol of Isis/Venus as the secret goddess, the female principle. The most notable instance of this symbolism is in the Arthurian Grail romances, which are Gnostic and kabbalistic teachings disguised as tales of knightly quests. Currently, the most common religious uses of the pentagram are by Wiccan and Neopagan groups. In most Wiccan and Neopagan traditions, its symbolic meaning is derived from Ceremonial magick and nineteenth century occultism- the four elements ruled by the spirit- although as these theologies mature, they have added to its meaning. In many of these traditions, it can also symbolize the unity of mankind with the earth or with the realm of the spirit, the human body, and more. A "point down" pentacle is nothing new- nor is it necessarily Satanic when it appears as such. Historical depictions of the pentagram were as likely to be points down as point up- a distinction between one or the other was rarely made by the ancients. Even today, one must not assume a point down pentagram is Satanic, as it is just likely to be Masonic, or Wiccan. In Wicca, pointed down is simply a symbol of the Wiccan horned God, and is still today an emblem of the Second Degree initiation in Gardnerian Wicca. Source(s): PENTAGRAM 5 PENTAGRAM
Daily Mail. Tuesday. March 31, 2015 Page 68 The point of pentangles ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS QUESTION THE pentangle is usually represented as the pentagram, a five-pointed, linear star within a circle, worn or drawn with the point facing up. It served to mark directions in Sumerian texts, dating from about 30BC, and is found in most early cultures. The ancient Greeks established its symbolic status. Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras believed five was the number of perfection, because of the fivefold division of the body (head, arms and legs outstretched) mirroring the division of the soul into fire, water, air, earth and psyche. The Pythagoreans held the pentacle sacred to Hygeia, the goddess of healing. Early Christians wore the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Christ and to symbolise the five senses. In the 14th-century English poem Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, the symbol decorates the shield of the hero, Gawain. The anonymous poet credits the symbol's origin to King Solomon, and explains that each of the five interconnected points represents a virtue tied to a group of five: Gawain is keen in his five senses, dextrous in his five fingers, faithful to the salvation provided through the Five Wounds of Christ, takes courage from the five joys that Mary had of Jesus and exemplifies the five virtues of knighthood. Renaissance-era ritual magicians, Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (14861535) and Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), used the pentagram to represent the perfection of the human body. To Bruno, five was the `number of the soul' because the human form is bound by five outer points. He warned magicians and sorcerers could perform spells by using the pentagram as it was a window to the soul. As Bruno and other Renaissance philosophers and magicians were executed under the Inquisition, perhaps the symbol came to be associated with evil forces. By the mid-19th century, a further distinction had developed among occultists regarding the pentagram's orientation. With a single point upwards it depicted a spirit presiding over the four elements of matter and was essentially 'good'. Occultists and satanists now claimed that the inverted pentagram was evil, the sign of the Devil even. Influential French occultist Eliphas Levi (1810-75) stated: 'A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. 'It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates.' Symbolic: Anton LaVey, of the Church of Satan, with an inverted pentangle (image omitted) Brian Cummings, Hay-on-Wye, Powys.
DAILY MAIL Tuesday, April 10 2007 Page 42 Jonathan writes: Why am I travelling to Tibet to investigate a prophecy from Mexico? It has something to do with ancient cultures, complicated cosmologies and poignant predictions. On my way, I passed through Delhi, where there is a temple dedicated to Saturn. Word has not yet reached them there about the newly-discovered hexagonat Saturn's north pole. I have, however, been dwelling on this. The Star of David is hexagonal. Could Saturn have a message about the future of Israel?
FIVE POINTED STAR From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A five-pointed star A five-pointed star (☆) is a common ideogram used throughout the world. If the colinear edges are joined together a pentagram is produced. The five-pointed star, geometrically a regular concave decagon, used in flags originates from European or Western heraldry, and the golden five-pointed star has associations with military power and war. It has also become a symbol of fame or "stardom" in Western culture.
NUMBER 9 THE SEARCH FOR THE SIGMA CODE Cecil Balmond 1998 Cycles and Patterns Page 165 Patterns "The essence of mathematics is to look for patterns. Our minds seem to be organised to search for relationships and sequences. We look for hidden orders. These intuitions seem to be more important than the facts themselves, for there is always the thrill at finding something, a pattern, it is a discovery - what was unknown is now revealed. Imagine looking up at the stars and finding the zodiac! Searching out patterns is a pure delight. Suddenly the counters fall into place and a connection is found, not necessarily a geometric one, but a relationship between numbers, pictures of the mind, that were not obvious before. There is that excitement of finding order in something that was otherwise hidden. And there is the knowledge that a huge unseen world lurks behind the facades we see of the numbers themselves."
The Four Corners of the Earth Odd and Prime THREE is special - we are 'three times lucky'. Most important categories come in threes, like Mother, Father and Child, or the Trinity of the Christians: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The atom is classified in three main parts as Proton, Neutron and Electron, and all matter is either solid, liquid or gas. Three is also the mark of the eternal triangle, the first definition of a two dimensional area according to books on geometry. Page 44 Archetypes But nine covers Hell and the dark side in thrice threefold ways as well. At last appear
Thrice to thine. and thrice to mine, And thrice again to make up nine. (Shakespeare, Macbeth 1 liii]) 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 2+7 = 9
The Tragedy of Macbeth William Shakespeare A heath near Forres. [Drum within]
The Search for the Sigma Code Page 29 2 x 9 = 18 1 + 8 = 9 Is nine special ? I found that the number nine seems to be a point of initiation and departure, a beginning and an end.
Three Leaf Shamrock In the dock, a ship was anchored In her hand she held an emblem Three leaf shamrock I adore thee Just before the ship had started To my coat she pinned an emblem But tonight I am an exile And although the sea's divide us Three leaf shamrock I adore thee
CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 Page 36 3 + 6 = 18 1 + 8 = 9 3 x 6 = 18 1 + 8 = 9 " St Augustine in The City of God also writes of the perfection of number 6, for 'in this did God make perfect all his works. Wherefore this number is not to be despised, but has the esteem apparently con-firmed by many places of scripture. Nor was it said in vain of God's works: "Thou madest all things in number, weight and measure." ' It is the unique property of number 6, on account of which it was held perfect, that it is both the sum and the product of all its factors excluding itself, for 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6. . .
The Fingerprints Of The Gods Graham Hancock 1995 Page 274 "The pre-eminent number in the code is 72. To this is frequently added 36,making 108 , and it is permissible to multiply 108 by 100 to get 10,800 or to divide it by 2 to get 54 , which may then be multiplied by 10 and expressed as 540 (or as 54,000 , or as 540,000 , or as 5,400,000 , and so on). Also highly significant is 2160 ( the number of years required for the equinoctial point to transit one zodiacal / Page 275 / constellation), which is sometimes multiplied by 10 and by factors of ten (to give 216,000, 2,160,000 , and so on) " and sometimes by 2 to give 4320 , or 43,200 , or 432,000 , or 4,320,000 ,ad infinitum."
Fingerprints of the Gods Graham Hancock 1995 Chapter Nineteen Page 153 1 + 5 + 3 = 9 "In Egypt's early dynastic period, more than 45 00 years ago, an 'Ennead' of nine omnipotent deities was particularly adored by the priesthood at Heliopolis. 5 Likewise in central America both the Aztecs and the Mayas believed in an all-powerful system of nine deities."
the Pan book of ASTRONOMY James Muirden 1964 Page 63 6 + 3 = 9 "We now know the solar system to consist of nine planets."
Jupiter Mahdi №5 (@mahdi_jupiter) | Twitter
GODS Of The New Millennium 1996 Alan F. Alford Page 161 Lessons in Astronomy
CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 Page 77 CHAPTER SEVEN 3168, The Perimeter of the Temple "If the numbers of the sacred principles, mentioned by St John in connection with the New Jerusalem, are obtained from the Greek text by the cabalistic method of gematria, it is found that they correspond to the dimensions of the city, set out in Fig 16. (Figure omitted) For example, the perimeter of a hexagon contained within the circle representing the earth, 7920 feet in diameter, measures 2376 feet, and 2376 is the number of (Greek text omitted), the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Revelation 21.14). 2376 x 2 feet is equal to 1746 MY, and 1745 = (Greek text omitted), the twelve apostles. The names of the apostles are said to be in the twelve foundations of the wall of the city. The wall is the circle of diameter 7920 feet and 14,400 cubits in circumference, and the foundations are the twelve corners of the double hexagon inscribed within it, fonowing the customary pattern of an astrological chart. The position of the twelve apostles in the scheme is thus clearly defined. Page 78 The perimeter of the temple is 3168, Lord Jesus Christ, when the temple is measured by the foot, the most sacred unit of ancient metrology. In terms of the megalithic yard (2.72 feet), however, the perimeter measures 1164, because 3168 feet = 1164 MY. Yet this makes no difference to the symbolic interpretation by gematria, for 1164 is the number of another name of Christ, (Greek text omitted) Son of God. As a geodetic or earth-measuring number, 3168 also demonstrates the antiquity and sacred origin of British metrology, for 31,680 ft. = 6 miles. 31,680 furlongs = 3960 miles = radius of the earth. 31,680 miles = perimeter of square containing the terrestrial sphere. 31,680 miles = circumference of circle drawn on the combined diameters of the earth and moon (10,080 miles) Other cosmological correspondences of 3168 are given on page 109. The Stonehenge sarsen circle with circumference of 316.8 feet 3168 in Plato's city 5040 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 39,916,800 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x.10 x 11 5040, the radius of the circular city, is the product of the numbers1 - 7; 7920, the side of the square city, is the product of numbers 8 - 11. In each case the perimeter of the city is 31,680. In Plato's Republic is the famous, cryptic reference to the 'marriage number', which should be consulted by the guardians of the state in all matters relating to the seasonal union of male and female. There appear to be two numbers involved, adding up to a third, but the riddle is so obscure that no firm solution has been reached despite the vast literature on the subject. For various reasons the number 12,960,000 or 36002 is most commonly proposed, and this would seem appropriate, for 12,960 = 5040 + 7920. 12,960 therefore represents the union of square and circle, symbol of the sacred marriage, and the gematria is also appropriate, for 1296 = (Greek text omitted) Mary mother of Jesus. FIGURE 24 (Figure omitted) Plato's city divided into 5040 rings, Perimeter = 31,680, Areas: A + a = B + b = C + c = 31,680.
CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 Page 78 CHAPTER SEVEN 3168, The Perimeter of the Temple Plato declares that there are certain numbers that link these with each other and with all phenomena capable of being measured. As an example of these numbers, the study of which Plato recommends as the most sanctifying of all pursuits, he gives 5040. This is the ideal number of citizens in the state and serves other purposes in con/ Page 79 / nection with the framing of laws and standards. The reason why it is most suitable for all matters of division is that for its size it has the greatest number of divisors, 60 in all, including the entire decad, the numbers 1 - 10. Another property of the number 5040 is that it is the radius of a circle with circumference 31,680. Further examination of the numerical foundations of Plato's state shows that the scheme to which he refers is the ancient plan of the cosmic temple.
"Plato declares that there are certain numbers that link these with each other and with all phenomena capable of being measured. As an example of these numbers, the study of which Plato recommends as the most sanctifying of all pursuits, he gives 5040."
973-eht-namuh-973 Site ORACLE Shine shine the Number 9 Postby tibieriusblackthorne » Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:14 am Nine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9_%28number%29 9 (number) This article is about the number. For other uses, see 9 (disambiguation). 9 (nine /ˈnaɪn/) is the natural number following 8 and preceding 10.
Hebrew: NIN In the Hebrew Bible of Book of Genesis, the first human female is called אישה, isha, Eng: woman, by the first human man, Adam. She is created by Yahweh from the man's rib so as to be his wife. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden until they were expelled.
NIN (gene) NIN: Ninein Ninein is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NIN gene.[1][2][3] Ninein, together with its paralog Ninein- like protein is one of the proteins important for centrosomal function. This protein is important for positioning and anchoring the microtubules minus-ends in epithelial cells. Localization of this protein to the centrosome requires three leucine zippers in the central coiled-coil domain. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants that encode different isoforms have been reported.[3]
--Centrosome (CentrumSoma) Center Body In cell biology, the centrosome (Latin centrum 'center' + Greek sōma 'body') is an organelle that serves as the main microtubule organizing center (MTOC) of the animal cell as well as a regulator of cell-cycle progression.
Mitama The Japanese word mitama (御魂・御霊・神霊 honorable spirit?) refers to the spirit of a kami or the soul of a dead person.[1] It is composed of two characters, the first of which, mi (御 honorable?), is a simply an honorific. The second, tama (魂・霊?) means "spirit". The character pair 神霊, also read mitama, is used exclusively to refer to a kami's spirit.[2] Significantly, the term mitamashiro (御魂代 mitama representative?) is a synonym of shintai, the object which in a Shinto shrine houses the enshrined kami.[3] British Japanologist William George Aston (1841-1911) believed the mitama to be comparable as a concept to the Jewish Shekhinah.[4] Early Japanese definitions of the mitama, developed later by many thinkers like Motoori Norinaga, maintain it consists of several "souls", relatively independent one from the other.[3] The most developed is the ichirei shikon (一霊四魂?), a Shinto theory according to which the spirit (霊魂 reikon?) of both kami and human beings consists of one spirit and four souls.[5] The four souls are the ara-mitama (荒御霊・荒御魂 rude soul?), the nigi-mitama (和御霊・和御魂 harmonious soul?), the saki-mitama (幸御魂 happy soul?) and the kushi-mitama (奇御霊・奇御魂 wondrous soul?). According to the theory, each of the souls making up the spirit has a character and a function of its own; they all exist at the same time, complementing each other.[5] In the Nihon Shoki, kami Ōnamuchi actually meets his kushi-mitama and shiki-mitama, but does not even recognize them. The four seem moreover to have a different importance, and different thinkers have described their interaction differently.[3]
Shine Shine the Number Nine. Names. Names. chase the Names. Science, Linguistics, Sacred Geometry. Shine your rainbow light, guide me through the White rabbit's home.
The Kamikaze (神風?, [kamikaꜜze] ( listen); "divine wind" or "spirit wind"), KAMIKAZE DIVINE WIND DIVINE
Number 9 Symbolism, 9 Meaning and Numerology www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu9.php 19 Dec 1998 - Numerology, meaning and symbolism of the number 9.... This number was considered as sacred in Egypt and in Greece. Number of the man, as a numeral ... Bible. Nailed on the cross, Jesus Christ expires at the ninth hour. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symbolism Number of the patience, the meditation. Number of the harmony, it represents the inspiration and the perfection of the ideas. It is the expression of "the power of the Holy Spirit", according to Etchegoyen. Symbolize the plenitude of talents, the reward of the tests. Symbol of the creation and the life as a rhythm and development. As a product of 3 x 3, it is the expression of the perfection, the symbol of the virile power, in addition to be associated to the couple. Nine is the number of the one who accomplishes the divine will. According to the Cabal, it is also the number of the achievement. The freemasons have made it the eternal number of human immortality. Being the last simple number, it is the number of finalization or finition; it is therefore the most complex, that marks the full lighting up of the numerical series. This number was considered as sacred in Egypt and in Greece. Number of the man, as a numeral symbol of his gestation (nine months). Number symbolizing the nocturnal and terrestrial things, for the Aztecs. Number of the hierarchy, represented by nine choruses of the Angels. Represent the three divine manifestations in the three plans: world of the spirit, world of the soul, world of the matter, which gives a triple manifestations of Trinity (3 x 3). Symbol of the multitude, and according to Parmenide, it concerns the absolute things and it is the symbol of the totality of the human being. A favorable number, associate to the eternity. Bible Jesus appears nine times to his disciples and apostles after his resurrection. The nine spiritual gifts of God enumerated by saint Paul: wisdom, knowledge, faith, gift of healing, to operate miracles, prophecy, distinguishing spirits, to speak in different kinds of tongues and the gift to interpret them. (1 Co 12,4-11) Saint Paul enumerates also nine fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Ga 5,22) Jesus Ben Sira says in the Ecclesiastic: There are nine things I can think of which strike me as happy, and a tenth which is now on my tongue. (Si 25,7) The bed of Og, king of Bashan, incarnation of the devil, had nine cubits long. (Dt 3,11) Hoshea, son of Elah, became king of Israel in Samaria, and reigned for nine years. (2 K 17,1) General The nine Choruses of the Angels: Seraphes, angels of love and light; The nine days of retreat and prayers in a novena are sources of divine graces. In the revelations received by Mary Jane of United States, the Lord says that there are nine degrees of prayers. The four firsts are the vocal prayer, the meditation, the affective prayer and the innate comtemplation. The last five are the types of the mystical prayer: the innate comtemplation, the quiet prayer, the prayer of union, the prayer of union in conformity, and the most mystical is the prayer of transforming union. Jacques Paquette refers, in his book "Apocalypse: prophecies of the end of times", to nine kingdoms associating the 4th to the Roman empire 19 centuries ago, the Revelation of John speaks about it in the chapter 2 verse 40. The ninth universal empire, called also thousand years reign, corresponds to the New Jerusalem of the Revelation. God spread many extraordinary graces on the Virgin Mary the nine days before the Annunciation, according to visions of Mary Agreda. After the death of a Pope, we celebrate masses for the rest of his soul during nine days, with nine absolutions. Nine was the name of the sacred mountain of the Sun, for the ancient Egyptians. Some peoples believed that the Sky was divided into nine celestial levels. It was the case for the Buddhists and also for the last worshippers of Mithra. The nine plains of the Chinese sky. The hall of the imperial throne was separated by nine gates from the rest of the palace and the book of Annals, named Chou-king, exposes the "Sublime Science" in nine rules. Also the Chinese prostrated 9 times in front of their emperor. There was nine gates which separated the sacred enclosure (the holy of Holies) of some religious traditions, from the rest of the space, this one considered profane. Deucalion, the Greek Noah, sails during 9 days on the vessel which he has built on the command of the gods. For Hesiode, the Earth was separated from the Heaven by a distance of nine days and nine nights, and from the hell also by nine days and nights. The nine levels of the hell of Dante. The nine nodes of the bamboo for the Taoists. The nine notches of the birch-axis of the world at the Siberian tribes. The nine openings of the man for Islam. The nine stages that should traverse the souls of Aztecs to reach the eternal rest. They counted also nine underground worlds. The nine was the key number of teaching for the materialistic Hindu philosophers in the Vaiceshika school. It is the period of years when the voice of God is heard by a person if this person did not understand yet one of his lessons of life. The 9 girls of Belenos of the druidism: Ogia - virginity, Glania - purity, Karantia - charity, Uxellia - nobleness, Viriona - truth, Aventia - honesty, Dagia - goodness, Lania - plenitude, and Lovania - joy. The nine is often found in the superstitions, such as for example, nine salt grains means the bad fate. And if someone wants to get marry in the year will jump nine times over a fire of the saint John or will jump over nine different fires. The tradition wants that the drowned returns to the surface of the water after nine days. The magic square using the first nine numbers is associated to the planet Saturn and has for sum 15. Sometimes, it is also called the "square of Solomon". 4 9 2 In the Greeks mythology: the nine nights of love of Zeus; the nine days and nine nights that Leto suffers when she gives birth; the nine girls of Zeus and Mnemosyne, named Muses, who governed the liberal arts: Clio, Calliope, Melpomene, Thala, Euterpe, Erato, Terpsichore, Polymna and Urana; the nine days of ansciety of the Ceres-Demeter goddess who went around the world in search of her daughter Persephone kidnaped by Hephaistos, the dark god of Hells; the tradition wants that Minos, in his cavern, spent nine years to receive the Jupiter laws; a legend says also that Minos had, every nine years, a meeting with Jupiter, after what it was possible for him to prophesy. Every nine years Athens sent, in the island of Crete, seven young men and seven young girls to be sacrificed there to the Minotaure. There is nine "Dharmas", books constituting the Nepal Bible. Orphism defines nine symbolic aspects of the universe divided into 3 triads: the night, the sky and the time; the ether, the light and the stars; the sun, the moon and the nature. The 9 was the sacred monogram of the Moon goddess, "Bolon Tiku" of the Mayas. The "Jin-Hoang" of the "Kieou-teou" divide the earth in nine parts, and nine brothers of the same name share the empire of the world. In the Brahminism, Vichnou incarnates in nine avatars to sacrifice himself for the salvation of men. In the biodynamic agriculture, the complete cycle for the preparation of the compost lasts nine months. The language includes, grammatically, nine parts: the verb, the noun, the adjective, the participle, the conjunction, the article, the pronoun, the preposition and the adverb - interjection apart. The nine planets discovered in our solar system, are in the order starting from Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Recently a tenth planet was discovery beyond Pluto. R. Allendy speaks about the curious arithmetical properties of the nine which gives it a very particular character because of the use of our decimal notation system. In another numerical notation system they would cease to exist: the difference between an unspecified number and the number formed by the inversion of its digits is always a multiple of 9 - example: between 26 and 62, the difference is 36, multiple of 9; the multiples of 9 are always composed of digits where the sum (once reduced) is equal to 9; the product 123456789 x 9 gives 9 times the digit 1 in the answer (1111111101). Concerning this last property, Elisabeth Haich mentiones the next calculations: 0 x 9 + 1 = 1 The Trojan War lasted nine years. Anniversary of marriage: weddings of pottery or crockery. Occurrence Numbers 150, 30000 and 100000 are used 9 times in the Bible. The number 9 is used three times in the Koran. (Koran XVII,103; XVIII,24 and XXVII,49) The verb to praise is used 9 times in the NT, including 7 times in the Gospel of Luke. By 9 times the Bible refers to the Law of the Lord as to a book in Chronicle Books. The word Master-of-all is used 9 times in the Bible.
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Blast from the past… Wakefield | Felucca
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WORK DAYS OF GOD Herbert W Morris D.D.circa 1883 Page 22 "As all the words in the English language are composed out of the twenty-six letters of the alphabet,.." Page 278 "He was mindful of the lowest and the least of the works of his hands. He would not have Page 415 "Silver Songs : Contains 180 Beautiful Melodies for the Sunday School, Home and Sacred Use" "…Are you one of the "Ninety and Nine"
Number 9 Page 45 "From ancient times number nine was seen as a full complement;
0 111111 222222 555 678 999999
11 2 333 4 55 66 78 9999
THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN BOOK II THE EARTH CHRONICLES Zecharia Sitchin 1980 Page166 The Stairway to Heaven
Page 24 /25 ' "A proton is 1,836 times heavier than an electron, and the number 1,836 would have the same connotations to any 'intelligence"
THE GREAT PYRAMID ITS DIVINE MESSAGE AN ORIGINAL CO-ORDINATION OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS AND ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCES D. Davidson and H. Aldersmith 1925 Page 279 "The resulting length for the Grand Gallery roof is 1836 P an important Pyramid dimension dealt with later."
HARMONIC 288 Bruce Cathie 1977 EIGHT THE MEASURE OF LIGHT : I Page 95 Page 95/97
THE TUTANKHAMUN PROPHECIES Maurice Cotterell 1999 Page194 Anderson's Constitutions of the Freemasons (In3) comments: Page 190 "The holy number of sun-worshippers is 9, the highest number that can be reached before becoming one (10) with the creator. This is why Tutankhamun was entombed in nine layers of coffin. This is why the pyramid skirts of the two statues, guarding the entrance to the Burial Chamber, were triangular (base 3), when the all-seeing eye-skirt of Mereruka contained a pyramid skirt with a base of four sides. The message concealed here is that the 3 should be squared, which equals 9. Freemasons" for reasons we shall see, are said to be 'on the square'."
THE BIOLOGY OF DEATH Lyall Watson 1974 Page 49 "AS long ago as 1836, in a Manual of Medical Jurisprudence, this was said: Individuals who are apparently destroyed in a sudden manner, by certain wounds, diseases , or even decapitation are not really dead, but are only in conditions incompatible with the persistence life."
THE JUPITER EFFECT John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann 1977 Page 122 : "Seventeen 'major historical earthquakes' are referred to in the report all of which occurred since
AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI Paramahansa Yogananda 1946 Book cover comments "I am grateful to you for granting me some insight into this fascinating world." - Thomas Mann" "As an eye witness recountal of the extraordinary lives and powers of modern Hindu saints, the book has importance both timely and timeless." - W. Y. Evans-Wentz, Orientalist Page 275 "In the gigantic concepts of Einstein, the velocity of light - 1863 miles per second - dominates the whole theory of relativity" 1863 - 1836
GODS OF THE DAWN THE MESSAGE OF THE PYRAMIDS AND THE TRUE STARGATE MYSTERY Peter Lemesurier 1997 Page 118 "With the entry into the Grand Gallery, all kinds of extraordinary things now start to happen"
JUST SIX NUMBERS Martin Rees 1999 OUR COSMIC HABITAT I PLANETS STARS AND LIFE Page 24 "A proton is 1,836 times heavier than an electron, and the number 1,836 would have the same connotations to any 'intelligence' "
THE SIRIUS CONNECTION UNLOCKING THE SECRETS OF ANCIENT EGYPT Murry Hope 1996 Sirius - the Binary Star Page 84/85 "Can we possibly effect a connection here between this/Eye Star and the fabled Eye of Ra which was passed between the Egyptian deities Hathor Bast and Sekhmet?.
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